#Please Don't Leave was an exhibition held at -41.29290875878009, 174.7730036072926 by the gov. 30JULY2024 Aug1-Aug24 __ /_/\/\ \_\ / /_/ \ \_\/\ \ \_\/ ,\ \\\,_ \` ,\ __,.-" =__) ." ) ,_/ , \/\_ \_| )_-\ \_-` `-----` `--` follow her _ _ / \ / \ { } { } { { } } \ \ / / \ Y / .-"`"`"-. ,` `. / \ / \ { ;"";, } { /";`'`,; } \{ ;`,'`;. / { }`""` } /} { } { // cyd {||} { / `"' `"' [ #Please Don't Leave is dedicated to [Removed]. (.site https://dissolvedgirl.neocities.org) Time exists differently now. This is everything since. Shadow: an inseparable attendant or companion. h e r f a i t h f u l s h a d o w _,..,,,_ '``````^~"-,_`"-,_ .-~c~-. `~:. ^-. `~~~-.c ; `:. `-, _.-~~^^~:. `. ; _,--~~~~-._ `:. ~. .~ `. .` ;' .:` `: `:. ` _.:-,. `. .' .: :' _.-~^~-. `. `..' .: `. ' : .' _:' .-' `. :. .: .'`. : ; jgs : `-' .:' `. `^~~^` .:. `. ; ; `-.__,-~ ~-. ,' ': '.__.` :' ~--..--' ':. .:' ':..___.:' .---. .---. ,';' `.';' `.. <3 f :99.:gf ` xxx: `\ /STAR' `\ ; /9girl' `. ',4eva' : ;&&&7' | :8: | qx I was just thinking about you. --..,_ _,.--. `'.'. .'`__ o `;__. cjr '.'. .'.'` '---'` ` '.`'--....--'`.' `'--....--'` An ode to the uncensored internet. First initiated by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S Department of Defence. Its purpose being to enable a secure line of communication among military and academic institutions during The Cold War. In order to understand the presence of something, you must learn its source code From page 107 of Edward Snowden's 'Permanent Record'. It's hard to have spent so much of my life trying to avoid identification, only to turn around completely and share personal disclosures. The Intelligence Community tries to inculcate in its workers a baseline anonymity, a sort of blank page personality upon which to inscribe secrecy and the art of imposture. You train yourself to be inconspicuous, to look and sound like others. You live in the most ordinary house, you drive the most ordinary car, you wear the same ordinary clothes as everyone else. The difference is, you do it on purpose: normalcy, the ordinary, is your cover. As in any process of encryption, the original material your core identity still exists, but only in a locked and scrambled form. The equation that enables this ciphering is a simple proportion: the more you know about others, the less you know about yourself. After a time, you might forget your likes and even your dislikes. You can lose your politics, along with any and all respect for the political process that you might have had. Everything gets subsumed by the job, which begins with a denial of character and ends with a denial of conscience. 88888888888a a88888888888 8 YI IP 8 8 `8, ,8' 8 8 8I I8 8 8 8I I8 8 888 O 8I I8 O 888 8 8I I8 8 ,8 ,8' `8, 8, ,8' ,8I I8, `8, ,8' O ,8I' `I8, O `8, IP dP' `Yb YI 8' d8' `8b `8 8 I8 8I 8 8, I8, ,8I ,8 Yb O `8b, ,d8' O dP `8, `8b, ,d8' ,8' Yb `Yba adP' dP `8b `Yba,_ _,adP' d8' `Yb, `"YYbbddPP"' ,dP' `Yba O O adP' "Yba, ,adP" `"YbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadP"' `"YYba, ,adPP"' `""YYbbddPP""' (Norman Veilleux ?) >Mission First. >Mission First. >Mission First. >Mission First. >Mission First. >Mission First. >Mission First. >Mission First. >Mission First. >Mission First. [end message] Well... if you don't believe in God[theDev], who are you telling the truth to when you dream? GOV. Ad. SPONSORED BY TESLA: are you feeling sad ? do you dream of falling in love ? <3 'X-Extended Release: ÆdderallXR. <3 .9DayC++Streak_in_Bel_Air. <3 i.Real Silicone Valley luhGeeker. yu dnt exist, take a perc in tha tonka thats it. # [Removed] is a girl [Removed] from [Removed] currently based in [Removed]. 3.Ai.412.1171 is a Missing Person. Currently [Removed], Credit card details are [Removed]. Additional Doxx Worthy information is [Removed]. I'm sure I'm easy enough to find. [Removed] is [Removed] and finishing a [Removed] in [Removed]. Working with a [Removed] in [Removed] in order to [Removed]. [Removed] works with [Removed] in order to [Removed]. She is a [Removed] girl [Removed] by [Removed], additionally [Removed]. And will soon be dealt with accordingly. It's almost [Removed] Ad. mm. dM8 YMMMb. dMM8 YMMMMb dMMM' `YMMMb dMMMP `YMMM MMM' "MbdMP .dMMMMMM.P dMM MMMMMM 8MMMMMMMMMMI YMMMMMMMMM "MMMMMMP MxM .mmm W"W """ VK SHADOW is proudly sponsored by: Kris Jenner, ex wife of [A Very Important Lawyer] @el.d43tr384r @ar3e33k33r22a__39 @444tt4ekc125948 @4444etst4889920oned Ad. _ _ // | _ _ | \\ // \(_) +-------------------------------+ (_)/ \\ // / o | SHADOW LOVES YOU | o \ \\ //__ /_\/ | | \/_\ __\\ /- /|/ \ +-------------------------------+ / \|\ -\ =/_|___| |___|_\= 3.Ai.412.1171 has discovered the source of the siamese fever. A symbiotic network, external evil, love on the inside. [PRESIDENT JOHN ANNOUNCEMENT JULY 30] GOV. Dedicated to providing a safer, cleaner and brighter future for all citizens. Alright citizens of [Removed], todays the day so listen up. We will meet at the [Removed] on [Removed] at 5:30 after work today. We have two guest speakers by the names of Arekatera and GR3M4N who will be with us until roughly 7-8PM. Onwards from today we will use the space as a dead drop zone for agents and citizens in comms with the shadow government, this will be lasting until the 24th of August Make sure to come early as we discuss the future prospects of our great society, and how us, with the support of good citizens like yourself, can strive towards creating a purer, more just society. President [Removed] signing off. P.S, Those who miss tonights talk will be swiftly court-martialed. This is NOT an optional talk. Aug 1 2024: Gov Announcement: Today's first shadow meeting was extremely successful. They know I think, they know what we have. Additional comments: Citizen's Dialogue: "I feel as though my cerebal cortex has been projected onto a wall in front of me" "It feels like I can interact with my mind on a wall" "People have a physical representation of their minds, immortalised in time" "I don't know if I liked it. What do they want me to think?" Shadow Government Loves You Faithful Shadow Attorney c. 2001 , Born in Hell. 9/11 5011 5018 SCHOLAR BOYZ.